OMG!! My computer has been giving me major issues for the past couple of months. Finally had to take it to the computer tech to get it fixed. Apparently, there was ONE file that was corrupt and causing most of my problems. And a shut down issue has to do with an update from Windows 8 to Windows 10. That is a minor problem that I can live with.

So, I opened up my computer last night and things seemed to be working great! YIPEE!! Then, I restarted the thing so it could update and... it started doing the same thing. But with a bit of, shall I say, going through the back door, I have managed to get it running again.

Anyhow, my deepest apologies for no posts and no new items in my shop :(  Any new listings will not be able to be shipped until after December 29, 2017 as I will be on holiday until then.

I appeciate the traffic I have been receiving and hope you will continue to follow me as I have several new items to be listed. In addition to my knitted items, I will be adding some of my artwork, both the originals and prints of the originals.

Until then, I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, a Merry Christmas, and a blessed and Happy New Year! And truly hoping peace will become a reality in 2018!